How TARTLE Works-online earn money


Tartle Share Data

Share Data

How the world interacts with data is changing. TARTLE is pioneering how we elevate our control, ownership, and understanding of our data.
Tartle Earn Money

Earn Money

Sell your data simply for fiat and cryptocurrency. Buyers need your help to share your data on the marketplace and they want to pay you for it!
Tartle Change The World

Change Your World

TARTLE Data Champions everywhere contribute to Big 7 causes that protect our planet. Charitable organizations will use your data and support to create real impact.
How Tartle Works Buy Sell Data Marketplace

How TARTLE Works

1. Create an Account and Answer Questions

Create and account and link your social profiles on the TARTLE mobile web app. Answer data packets to help buyers understand your data journey. Don’t worry, all data packets are encrypted and can be sold anonymously.

2. Earn Money or Give to Charitable Organizations

Connect your PayPal account to receive fiat or generate a cryptocurrency wallet. You can also choose how much of your earnings
to donate to your favorite nonprofits and activism groups.

3. Track Your Earnings

Track your earnings over time in the TDEX and watch your earnings impact over time as you populate more data and donate data earnings to causes you care about.
